Habitat ReStore turns 30 this year! Today we kick off our 30 year anniversary celebration of our Habitat ReStores. We want to thank everyone who has shopped, subscribed, supported and followed us on this journey and we hope that we can continue to support you in the future!

30 years ago today the first Habitat Restore opened its doors and shortly after, the first Habitat ReStore in the GTA opened up. With over a hundred stores all over North America, the growth and popularity of our Habitat ReStores have skyrocketed and we know that this would not be possible without our amazing community helping us along the way.

Our Restores provide not only furniture, but they also provide the necessary funding to our build projects and programs. With over thirty years of operations and 12 more stores opening up in the GTA, the success and support has been incredible.

To celebrate the success of our Restores and to show our appreciation - we would like to invite you to follow along our anniversary celebration as we commemorate our ReStores, customers, volunteers and more. Join us on our journey this September by following us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for store highlights, volunteer spotlights, giveaways and more. Our ReStores are about community and aiding one another so as we celebrate our 30 anniversary we hope to show our appreciation to everyone who has helped us over the years.

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